Restore volume to your face and stimulate collagen production.

ABOUT Biostimulator

  • Sculptra is an injectable that helps restore facial volume that has been lost due to aging and stimulates collagen production. It is different from HA fillers because it gradually and subtly corrects facial wrinkles and folds.

    Sculptra is made from a synthetic material called poly-L-lactic acid, which is gradually and naturally absorbed by the body as it works to replace lost collagen.

  • Sculptra (PLLA) is a bio-stimulating treatment. Sculptra works by addressing the underlying cause of aging skin from loss of collagen. Once injected in the face, Sculptra stimulates the natural growth of new collagen. This leads to restoration of facial volume over time and a dramatic improvement of the skin texture. Results are natural and become noticeable after 2-4 sessions (based on individual concerns).

  • During a Sculptra treatment session, a trained healthcare provider will inject the product into specific areas of the face using a fine needle. Multiple injections may be administered to achieve the desired results. While some patients may experience mild discomfort or temporary swelling at the injection sites, these side effects typically resolve within a few days.

  • SCULPTRA (POLY-L-LACTIC ACID OR PLLA) gradually replaces collagen and facial volume

    that has been lost over time with age or chronic illness. The treatment targets deep lines and

    wrinkles and, while results are not immediate and may take up to 4 months to be visible, the

    benefits can last up to 3 years after the completion of treatment series.


SCULPTRA (POLY-L-LACTIC ACID OR PLLA) gradually replaces collagen and facial volume that has been lost over time with age or chronic illness. The treatment targets deep lines and wrinkles and, while results are not immediate and may take up to 4 months to be visible, the benefits can last up to 3 years after the completion of treatment series.

Procedure Time: 1 hour

Recovery Time: Patients may have 2-4 days of mild swelling to the treatment area and will be
instructed to avoid makeup and exercise for the first 24 hours after the appointment. Patients
who receive Sculptra will be required to massage the treated area, several times a day for
multiple days after injections.

Areas Treated
Most common areas treated with Sculptra are cheeks, jawline, temples, midface, lower face.


Radiesse (Calcium Hydroxypalatite or CAHA) is a dermal filler that can last up to 2
years. Radiesse stimulates your body’s natural collagen production that fills-in wrinkles and
promotes better skin texture and elasticity. Upon treatment, Radiesse is designed to provide
immediate lifting and sculpting results with the most-noticeable benefits occurring about 12
weeks post- treatment when the collagen stimulation is at its peak.

Procedure Time: 1 hour

Recovery Time: Patients may have 2-4 days of mild swelling to the treatment area and will be
instructed to avoid makeup and exercise for the first 24 hours after the appointment.

Most common areas injected with Radiesse include cheeks, jawline, chest.


  • Biostimulator is suitable for men and women who wish to address signs of facial aging and improve skin texture and volume. It is important to consult with our provider to determine if Biostimulator is the right treatment option for your individual needs.

  • Subtle results can typically be seen within a month of Biostimulator injection. These results will continue to build as new collagen can take up to 6 months to form. Biostimulator can last up to 2 years (but it depends on each patients’ metabolism and skin).

  • The number of Biostimulator treatments required will depend on the individual's aesthetic goals and the extent of volume loss or wrinkles. Most patients will require a series of treatments spaced several weeks apart to achieve optimal results. The recommendation is one vial per decade of life.

  • Common side effects of Biostimulator may include temporary swelling, redness, bruising, or tenderness at the injection sites. These side effects are typically mild and resolve on their own within a few days. Serious complications are rare but may include allergic reactions or infection.

  • The results of Biostimulator can last up to two years or longer, depending on individual factors such as age, skin condition, and lifestyle factors. To maintain optimal results, touch-up treatments may be recommended periodically.